131 <Science of the Total Environment> Interfacial interaction between diverse microplastics and tetracycline by adsorption in an aqueous solution, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137729

作者: 时间:2020-03-12 点击数:

Plastic debris becomes currently a ubiquitous environmental pollutant and is susceptible to contamination by many other pollutants, including aqueous metals and organic matter. This review summarizes the effects of environmental factors on the properties and sorption behavior of microplastics, presents a further discussion on the fate of microplastics adsorption on contaminants, and critically discusses the mechanism of sorption behaviors between micro/nanoplastics and normal contaminants. Previous references indicated that the hydrophobicity and particle sizes of microplastics were the dominant influence factors for virgin plastic debris adsorption, whereas for aged microplastics, hydrogen bonding, hydrophilicity and increasing specific surface ratio affected the adsorption behavior. The effects of pH and salinity always influence the sorption conditions by changing the charge state of microplastics and contaminants and causing competing adsorption. In addition, the existence
of microplastics affects biotoxicity, increases the dissolved organic matter in the environment, and influences carbon cycling. The knowledge is fundamental to the assessment of potential risks posed by microplastics to organisms from human beings to the entire environment.  

Keywords: Adsorption behavior, Micro/nanoplastics, Organic pollutants, Metals, Aquatic environment

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