Abstract: The precursor of functional semiconductor TiO2 film was successfully deposited by DC electrodepostion on the graphic substrate. The effects of the main experimental parameters on formation of the deposited film were discussed, and the optimal parameters were determined for TiO2 precursor deposited film. The deposited rate of TiO2 precusor increased with increase of the current density, which was controlled at the range from 5 to 45 mA /cm2 in order to obtain a high quality film. The solution concentration affected the film deposited rate, which attained to the maximum while TiCl4 :H2O2 =1:2 in the solution. The optimal deposited temperature was selected at 510℃. The transformation of the precursor from anatase to rutile was characterized by DSC, XRD and SEM, etc. The TiO2 with an anatase phase structure formed after heat treatment at 300℃, and a rutile phase generated as the tempe ra ure increased to 650℃.
